“Quanta Qualia AI” is a project pioneering a frontier of quantum computing and communication exploring entangled particles such as “traditional” electrons, ions, photons or even neutrinos.
The field of Quantum mechanics and computing are very poorly understood even in the general science community. Below, I am attempting to provide a set of short questions and answers that hopefully will provide enough background for the conversation.
We humans have an “illusion” of time dimension and the illusion of space. Let me throw the gravity to the mix, too.
In reality, there is a multi-dimensional matrix of vibrations that underpin what we perceive as space-time or the matter (in another words, the things). The time is perceived only in context of events that we “perceive”.
This matrix can be stable, or it can bend, creating gravity holes, in extreme, but common cases, it can loop on itself.
Objects can be entangled by sharing properties of this matrix and in some cases the distance and time can be non-consequential, in which case see perceive the two particles as behaving the same even when separated by light-years of travel.
A: Measurement plays a crucial role in entanglement. When you measure one particle of an entangled pair (or set), the outcome determines the state of the other particle instantaneously. However, until the measurement is made, the particles exist in a superposition of states, and the outcome is fundamentally probabilistic.
If we were to consider only a pair of entangled particles, the probability of a message would be low. The stability of the quantum particles is low.
By using a large set of entangled particles we decrease the error and increase the certainty of the message.
A: Neutrinos are distinguished by their flavor: electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos, and tau neutrinos. These flavors are associated with the corresponding charged leptons (electron, muon, tau). Neutrino flavor is identified through the detection of the specific charged lepton produced in a neutrino interaction.